Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Typing Tip for iPhone Users

I'm not a texter! I hate typing on the iPhone, the iPad or any other small keyboards! But every once in a while, one has to do what one has to do, and I will have to send a text message or reply to an email on the phone, not to mention taking notes. If you too have to type on your phone, you will understand that one simple task may be really frustrating, and that is to simply change the keyboard to show punctuation marks so you can type in the period, then add a space, turn on the capitals and start a new sentence. Well, here's a tip that will save you some time and frustration.

When you finish a sentence, just tap the space bar twice, and it will add the period, the leading space and turn on the capitals for you! How about that!! And this works on any iOS device, any application, be it SMS, Email or Pages.

Type away and have fun!

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